Semi-Trailers HVAC Services

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Are you looking to repair a semi-trailer's air conditioning system? Does it need to be on the road in a few days?
Are the goods you are transporting reliant on a reliable air conditioning system? If so, look no further!

Semi-trailers are giant crates that are being hauled across the nation by tractors. These crates can hold anything from dry powder materials to perishable foods to livestock, such as pigs, cattle, sheep, etc. Although some can get away without heating or air conditioning, some absolutely require an air conditioning or a refrigeration system. Without it, they'd lose out on several business opportunities and could potentially ruin their hauled cargo. Here at California Air Conditioning Systems, we understand the importance of a properly working HVAC unit, especially for commercial transport trailers. Whether you are transporting food or livestock, we'll get you back on the road as fast as possible with a properly working heating or cooling system.

We've provided repairs to many different types of trailers. Examples are listed below:

  • Radio/TV broadcasting
  • Mobile recording studio
  • Mobile garage & car transporter
  • Emergency response
  • Mobile movie theater
  • Promotion/marketing trailers
  • Medical trailers
  • Office & conference room trailers
  • Mobile restaurants & catering trailers
  • And many others!

Majority of these trailers travel hundreds even thousands of miles a day. While on the road, it will be difficult to find an air conditioning contractor that can repair their on-board air conditioning or refrigeration system. That's why these trailers must leave their original location with an HVAC unit working 100%.

If you are looking for a contractor to repair, install, or replace an air conditioning or refrigeration unit in your trailer, give us a call. We provide services all around Los Angeles and Orange County. With phone lines available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, your call won't be missed! Having problems during the weekend? Don't sweat it! We work weekends!

Schedule a service call with us online or (310) 505-5700

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semi-truck, semi-trailer, trailer, commercial trailer, trailer repairs, trailer air conditioning, trailer hvac services, trailer ac, los angeles trailers hvac, los angeles, commercial transport, commercial trailer semi-truck, semi-trailer, trailer, commercial trailer, trailer repairs, trailer air conditioning, trailer hvac services, trailer ac, los angeles trailers hvac, los angeles, commercial transport, commercial trailer semi-truck, semi-trailer, trailer, commercial trailer, trailer repairs, trailer air conditioning, trailer hvac services, trailer ac, los angeles trailers hvac, los angeles, commercial transport, commercial trailer

HVAC contractors

We work with brands like Carrier, Lennox, York, Cozy, Williams, Mitsubishi, Trane and many others!